What Are Vitamins?

A vitamin is an organic compound and is a vital nutrient. It is only required in limited amounts but the human body cannot function properly if it is deficient in any one of the fourteen known vitamins.

An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and it must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term “vitamin” is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid (one form of vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms.

The body requires vitamins (virtually tasteless, organic compounds) in small amounts to maintain normal metabolic functions. Vitamins help regulate metabolism, convert energy into ATP, promote growth and reproduction, and help avoid serious conditions related to deficiency.

There are criteria for classifying vitamins: A compound is a vitamin when:1) it cannot be built in ample amounts by the body; and 2) physical symptoms have been linked to a chronic deficiency. In addition, replenishment of deficient vitamin removes symptoms of deficiency.

Why Use Supplements?

Vitamin supplements are important when you consider the dramatic reduction in nutrient content in most foods that are available in this country. Many health problems stem from a simple lack of bioactive vitamins in our food, not to mention mineral depletion. Ideally we should not have to supplement our diets with vitamins and minerals if the major cultivation practices were closer to what small farms have done for thousands of years. Sadly, this is not the case. There are growing numbers of people who see the benefit of small farming practices and are working towards implementing it and spreading awareness of this important issue. Getting all the original nutrients back into the soil and into the foods we eat is a much better solution than taking supplements!

See My Blog Post –  How to Take Supplements

Health Spectrum's Vitamins & Supplements


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Product Details
Taurine is a non-essential amino acid from cysteine and because taurine contains sulfur it is an important antioxidant. A major role for taurine is protecting cell membrane from oxidative attack. Taurine is not found in the make up fo protein (muscle) but operates as a free molecule. Even though it is a water soluble molecule and does not pass through the body's fatty membranes, it is in fact found in almost all membranes i. e. the heart, white blood cells, the central nervous system and the brain. Taurine is also found in bile where it binds to bile acids for the digestion of fats and the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. Its principle roles are related to the brain, heart, gall bladder, eyes and vascular system. Taurine, next to the amino acid GABA (gamma-amino butytic acid), is the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain where it acts as an anti-convulsant/anti-anxiety agent. Taurine also plays many important roles by stimulating prolactin and insulin release. It increases bilirubin and cholesterol excretion in the bile and this is vital to gall bladder function. In the treatment of heart disease (i. e. congestive heart failure, post-myocardial infarction and pre-ventricular arrhythmia), taurine can be effective in oral doses of 500mg. to 5 g. This treatment can also be used for epilepsy, gall stones, mitral valve prolapse, hypertension, retinitis pigmentosa (light sensitivity)and diabetes. Taurine is also known to stimulate natural killer cells (NK) and macrophages and the release of interleukin-1 (IL-1). These are both critical to immune response, especially with the immunodeficiency associated with most disease. Phagocytic activity in recurrent systemic infections has shown improvement after taurine administration. Other conditions such as epilepsy, migraines, heart arrhythmia, macular degeneration of the eye (blindness) and below normal host immunity will benefit from taurine.